
IEEE 802.15.9-2021


IEEE Standard for Transport of Key Management Protocol (KMP) Datagrams
standard by IEEE, 01/18/2022


Revision Standard – Active.A message exchange framework based on information elements as a transport method for key management protocol (KMP) datagrams and guidelines for the use of some existing KMPs with IEEE Std 802.15.4(TM) is defined in this standard. A new KMP is not created in this standard. In support of KMP transmission and reception, a generic multiplexed data service layer that can be used to transmit large packets from the upper KMP to another peer and that provides for protocol discrimination is also provided in this standard. The multiplexed data service provides a fragmentation and multiplexing layer for those packets so they can be delivered over smaller MAC layer frames and multiplexed on the recipient end to the right processing service. The multiplexing provides for EtherType protocol discrimination.

Product Details

9781504483841, 9781504477208, 9781504477215
Number of Pages:
File Size:
1 file , 980 KB
Product Code(s):
STD24805, STDPD24805, STDPL25205
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